%0 Journal Article %T Robotic single-site plus ONE-port distal pancreatectomy %A Kang, Chang Moo %J Annals of Pancreatic Cancer %D 2018 %B 2018 %9 %! Robotic single-site plus ONE-port distal pancreatectomy %K %X Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (DP) is regarded as an appropriate surgical option to treat benign and low-grade malignant lesions in the left side of the pancreas. Some expert surgeons tried to reduce the number of trocars in conventional laparoscopic surgery to enhance DP’s cosmetic and minimally invasive effects. However, it is thought to be too difficult to generalize this approach in clinical practice. In theory, robotic surgical system was introduced to overcome limitations of laparoscopic surgery. More specialized robotic surgical system has been introduced for single site minimally invasive surgery. If an additional robotic arm is used to this robotic surgical system, a wrist-like motion of instrument can be used, allowing for a more effective surgical movement during robotic single site surgery. In this paper, preoperative preparations and surgical techniques for robotic single-site plus ONE-port DP will be discussed. %U https://apc.amegroups.org/article/view/4013 %V 1 %P %@ 2616-2741