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AB095. P069. Identification of therapeutic genomic alterations by investigating cancer-related genes and microsatellite instability: road to precision medicine for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
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@article{{APC}{4273}, author = {Ding, D., Javed, A., Cunningham, D., Teinor, J., Wright, M., Yuan, C., Wilt, C., Ryan, A., Judkins, C., McIntyre, K., Klein, R., Hacker-Prietz, A., Shin, E., Zaheer, A., Le, D., Lennon, A., Kashab, M., Singh, V., He, J., Blair, A., Groot, V., Yu, J., Gemenetzis, G., Donehower, R., Jesus-Acosta, A., Murphy, A., Cameron, J., Manos, L., Walsh, C., Espin, L., Brown, C., Zavadsky, T., Weiss, M., Burkhart, R., Azad, N., Narang, A., Lee, V., Thompson, E., Fisherman, E., Anders, R., Hruban, R., Jaffee, E., Wolfgang, C., Zheng, L., Laheru, D., Johns Hopkins Precision Medicine Program, o.}, title = {AB095. P069. Identification of therapeutic genomic alterations by investigating cancer-related genes and microsatellite instability: road to precision medicine for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma}, journal = {Annals of Pancreatic Cancer}, volume = {1}, number = {4}, year = {2018}, url = {https://apc.amegroups.org/article/view/4273} }